1. 에너지 개념과 인체 대사 원리 (Energy & Metabolism) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
2. 인체 구성의 각 단계 (levels of orgazination) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
3. 생화학의 개념 (Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid, Nucleic Acid) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
4. 세포 소기관의 개괄 (Cell organelles) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
5. 세포막 (Cell membrane) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
6. 세포 골격계 (Cytoskeleton) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
7. DNA 구조의 이해 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
8. 생식세포 분열 (Meiosis) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
9. DNA 복제 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
10. 체세포 분열 (Mitosis) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
11. 세포 호흡 (Cell respiration) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
12. 단백질 합성 (Protein synthesis) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
13. 기초 유전학 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
14. Genetic disease (유전 질병) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
15. Mutation (돌연변이) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
16. Skeletal system (골격계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
17. Muscular system (근육계통) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
18. Digestive system (소화기계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
19. Respiratoy system (호흡계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
20. Circulatory system (순환기) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
21. Excretory system (배출계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
22. 내분비계 (Endocrine system) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
23. Nervous system (신경계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
24. Autonomic Nervous System (자율신경계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
25. Sensory system (감각계) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
26. 면역계 (Immune system) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
27. 림프순환 (Lymphatic System) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
28. 미생물학 개념 (박테리아, 바이러스, 균류) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
29. 물질의 개념과 화학 (Introduction) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
30. 화학의 양적 개념 (Mole concept) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
31. 기체 방정식 소개 (Gas Equation) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
32. 원자 모형의 발전과 각 모형의 의미 (Atomic Model / Nuclear Atom) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
33. 전자 배치 (Electron configuration) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
34. 주기율표 (Periodic Table) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
35. 주기율표의 경향성 (Periodic trend) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
36. 전이 금속 (Transition metal) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
37. 이온 결합 (Ionic bond) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
38. 화합물의 명칭 (Nomenclature) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
39. 공유 결합 (Covalent bond) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
40. Lewis Structure / VSEPR 모델 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
41. Resonance (공명) 구조 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
42. 분자간 힘 (Intermolecular Force) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
43. 분자간 힘의 특성 (IF properties) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
44. 금속 결합 (Metallinc bond) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
45. 혼성 (Hybridization) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
46. 에너지와 열 (Thermo chemistry) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
47. Hess Law 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
48. Entropy 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
49. 용액 (Solution) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
50. 화학 반응의 속도 이론 (Chemical Kinetics) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
51. 반응 속도 (Reaction Rate) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
52. 화학 반응의 원리 (Reaction Mechanism) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
53. 화학 평형 (Equilibrium) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
54. 평형과 자유 에너지 (Equilibrium and Free Energy) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
55. 산과 염기의 정의 (Acid and Base Definition) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
56. 산과 염기의 성질 (Acid and Base Properties) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
57. pH & pOH 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
58. pH 곡선 (pH curve) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
59. 지시약 (Indicator) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
60. 산화환원 반응 (Redox Process) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
61. 산화와 환원 (Redox) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
62. 셀전지 (Electrochemical cell) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
63. 핵화학 (Nuclear Chemistry) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
64. Introduction 1 & 2 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
65. Reaction 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
66. Organic Acid and Base 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
67. Alkane 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
68. Functional Group (작용기) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
69. Cycloalkane 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
70. Alkene 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
71. Alkyne 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
72. 이성질체 (Iomerism) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
73. 방향족 화합물 (Aromatic Compound) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
74. 알콜과 페놀 (Alcohol & Phenol) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
75. 말콜과 페놀 2 (Alcohol & Phenol 2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
76. 에테르 & 설파이드 (Ether & Sulfied) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
77. Aldehyde & Ketone 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
78. Carboxylic Acid 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
79. Carbonyl Group 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
80. Ester 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
81. Lipids 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
82. Amine 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
83. Amino Acid 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
84. Peptide Bond 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
85. Protein 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
86. Heterocyclic Compound 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
87. Nucleic Acid 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
88. Carbohydrate 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
89. Measurement 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
90. Vector 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
91. Kinematics 1 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
92. Kinematics 2 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
93. Kinematics 3 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
94. Kinematics 4 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
95. Newton's law 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
96. Forces 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2024.05.31 23:55
97. Work and Energy(일과 에너지) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
98. Momentum and Impulse (운동량과 충격량) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
99. Rotational motion 1 (회전운동 1) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
100. Rotational motion 2 (회전운동 2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
101. Elasticity (탄성) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
102. Fluids 1 (유체 1) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
103. Fluids 2 (유체 2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
104. Oscillation (진동) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
105. Wave 1 (파동 1) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
106. Wave 2 (파동 2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
107. Heat transfer (열전달) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
108. ldeal gas law (이상 기체의 법칙) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
109. Law of thermodynamics (열역학 법칙) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
110. Electric force and field (전기력과 전기장) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
111. Circuit (회로) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
112. Magnetic field and force (자기장과 자기력) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
113. Electromagnetic induction (전자기 유도) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
114. Light (빛) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
115. Optics (광학) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
116. Quantum physics (현대/양자 물리) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
117. Theory of relativity (상대성 이론) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
118. Number (수) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
119. Expression 1 (식 1) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
120. Expression 2 (식 2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
121. Expression 3 (식 3) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
122. Function 1 (함수 1) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
123. Function 2 (함수2) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
124. Function 3 (함수 3) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
125. Function 4 (함수 4) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
126. Equations (방정식) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
127. lnequality (부등식) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
128. Sequences and Series (수열과 수열의합) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
129. Recursively defined sequence (점화식) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
130. Sigma Notation (시그마) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
131. Analytic geometry in the plane (평면에서의 해석기하) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
132. Analytic geometry in the space (공간에서의 해석기하) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
133. Vector (벡터) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
134. Combinatorics and probability(경우의 수와 확률) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
135. Geometry(기하) 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
136. Math Summary 1 & 2 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
137. Writing 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
138. Debating 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
139. Reading 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
140. Introduction of the cell 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
141. Organic and biochemistry concept 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
142. Cell Membrane & Cell Respiration Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
143. Gene Expression Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
144. Cell Division Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
145. Genetics Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
146. MusculoSkeletal System Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
147. Digestive System Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
148. Circulatory and Respiratory System Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
149. Excretory System Practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00
150. Nerve and Endocrine System practice 2023.12.13 00:00 - 2023.12.13 00:00